Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora

Plot Summary: Kuu Shiratori often fantasizes and dreams of her “prince”, and longs to meet him as her ordinary school life in the school-city of Academia proceeds. One day, a young man, Kyoshiro Ayanokoji, transfers to her class, and strangely enough, bears a striking resemblence to the prince of her dreams. Kuu is elated, but soon after things start to not go her way, as she soon finds out that Kyoshiro is different from how she imagined him to be. However, after Kyoshiro saves her after she gets caught in the middle of a fight involving mechanical creatures and magic she has never witnessed before, she begins to appreciate him once again, and thus, a beautiful relationship between two young people commences. Genres: action, drama, fantasy, romance Themes: Bishoujo, Bishounen, Mecha, yuri

Other names: Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora
Status: Completed
Genre: Drama, Magic, Romance, Shounen, ,
Country: Japan
Date Release: 2007
Episode: 012 / 012






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