Mobile Suit Gundam F91 (Dub)

U.C. 0123. Mobile Suit Gundam F91 is Gundam creator Yoshiyuki Tomino's attempt to launch a new Gundam saga, set thirty years after Char's Counterattack. The story of Gundam F91 revolves around teenage space colonist Seabook Arno, his friend Cecily Fairchild, and the efforts of the Crossbone Vanguard militia, led by Cecily's grandfather Meitzer Ronah, to establish an aristocracy known as "Cosmo Babylonia". In keeping with Gundam tradition, the civilian Seabook is forced by circumstance to pilot the F91 Gundam, coincidentally designed in part by his estranged mother, Dr. Monica Arno.

Other names: Mobile Suit Gundam F91 (Dub)
Status: Completed
Country: Japan
Date Release: 1991
Episode: 001 / 001






Mobile Suit Gundam F91 (Dub) Animeheaven

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